Phoenix Gas Station

Camp Holiday Resort & Recreation Area {12}

Camp Holiday Resort

The Camp Holiday Resort & Recreation Area is one of the newer resort complexes on Samal Island. Located directly off the Samal Ferry Wharf, it is situated in as convenient an area as you will find on the island.

I had the opportunity to spend a few days there late last year. I wish I had written this article sooner, as my memory would be fresher of all the details, but suffice to say that I was pleased with my stay and have given the Camp Holiday Resort a recommendation, providing this the the kind of resort you are looking for.
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Central Warehouse Penaplata {1}

Central Warehouse Club Penaplata, Samal Island

The largest store on Samal Island has to be the Central Warehouse Club in Penaplata. If you are familiar with the Central Warehouse stores, then you know they are a one stop shopping experience.

They have the department style store, a complete grocery, and an area with the full compliment of household appliances. This particular outlet also had an interesting selection of motorcycles, new and used, in the common area of the warehouse. The whole warehouse is pretty large, and it didn’t seem like a large portion of the space was being utilized.
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