Filipina Self Portrait Photo Phenomenon{8}
I suspect most of you have a Facebook account. At the very least, even if you refuse to partake in that social giant, you’ve seen it and discussed it. You’ve therefor undoubtably seen a few photos posted there. Some of your “friends” may even post quite a few. Facebook isn’t the only platform for this though. There are a lot of them.
Flickr used to be be quite popular, but it seems the latest venues are things like Instagram, Pinterest and even a number of ones dedicated specifically for showing photos on Twitter. Yes, there are any number of ways to get your photos published. And when I say “your” photos, I mean photos of you.
It appears to me that this trend of posting photo after photo of yourself is far more popular to Filipina than any other country’s young ladies. Maybe they are just ahead of their time, much like they were with texting. Because in the case of texting, the rest of the world has only finally caught up to that sensation that has been so popular here for nearly a decade.
I noticed this taking photo after photo of oneself originally with my first filipina wife. It always struck me as odd that she would spend hour after hour taking photos of herself. I always wondered what she would do with those. Along came Facebook and solved that problem. Though in her case, she seems to have outgrown that? Since I’ve moved here, and subsequently gotten many more filipina friends (mostly relatives for those wondering) on Facebook, I’ve learned that this phenomenon was not exclusive to my ex-wife, but is something that borders on viral here in the Philippines.
It seems they love photos in general. If you go out, you will see group after group taking turns shooting various shots of the great time they are having. If you pay more attention you will also see them sneaking in shots of themselves. Sometimes blatantly and sometimes not. By far the largest percentage of these self photos seem to be done at their home though. A webcam is a popular instrument for that activity, but the cell phone, in particular the smartphone, is the gadget of choice these days. Having a nice mirror doesn’t hurt, but most are quite skilled at pointing the cam/phone at themselves to get the perfect shot. Trust me, they have lots of practice.
I like to see pictures of friends as much as anybody. I’m not so sure I need to see 20-30 slight alterations of the same facial pose, but maybe thats just me. Maybe their younger friends, boyfriends, and potential boyfriends are the target. Maybe they are interested in seeing an unlimited number of self poses, updated every hour or so, so that they can see the changes transpiring in their lives.
I really don’t have the answer as to why this is so popular with the young ladies here. Are they really vain, insecure, trying to compete with their friends that are doing it? Honestly, I don’t know but it makes me wonder. Enough so that I thought to write this article about it.
I’d be interested to hear people’s thoughts on this and get your opinion on what is going on with this. Like I mentioned, I saw some of that in the States, but no where near to the extent it is here. What do you think it’s all about?
Mar 02, 2013 @ 11:08:59
Hi Randy,
Interesting write up you have here. In my generation, we call this as “camwhoring” *winks*. I like the fact that you’ve noticed this, however, in my honest opinion, it is not exclusive to filipinos only. Type #yolo #igdaily #igworld #instapic just to name a few of some popular hashtags on instagram and you’ll find that there’s a plethora of camwhores regardless of race, color, or sex. Probably u just noticed alot of Filipinos doing it coz ur staying here more often in The Philippines at this point in time that the social media hit it big. If you’ll visit the explore button of instagram, you’ll notice that it’s a mix of race and not mostly Filipinos.
On the other hand, not only for Filipinos, but I think individuals in general especially the younger generations love capturing the moment and sharing it to others. That’s why Facebook and Instagram made it big worldwide. It’s a worldwide phenomenon i should say.
Mar 02, 2013 @ 13:23:51
Hi TJ,
You may well be right. Almost all my friends are either Filipino or American. There are a few others, but that is the bulk of it. So I may very well be comparing two countries, versus all of them.
Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.
Mar 07, 2013 @ 18:14:00
Hello!! Well…I think I observe that also but with the early generation. My 13 years old girl and her friends are into this also. They are all Americans. Sometimes I would say they are so full of themselves!!!!! One time I noticed a Filipino girlfriend of an American expats probably had about 100 photos of herself in the facebook…I got so disgusted with it that I disowned her as a friend!!!!!! In facebook I like to see photos of different places. One or two pics of yourself is enough, not every move you make. I don’t know why people do funny things…they might just be so bored that they have to take photos of every angle they make. You see women in general likes to be noticed. Everytime they post a photo,the general response is….ay kaguwapa nimo day!!!!!meaning you are so beautiful!!!! That is all they want to hear.he! he! he!
Mar 07, 2013 @ 18:23:15
Thanks for the reply, Dine.
Boredom may have something to do with it.
We all like to receive compliments, it’s only natural, but who would expect to be complimented on every photo they put up, especially if it’s hundreds or thousands?
To me, it doesn’t reflect well of the person. But I guess I’m “tigulang na.”
Mar 07, 2013 @ 20:03:18
Funny! I thought I’m the only one who noticed this kind of phenomenon hehehe… Whenever I saw someone taking photos of themselves in a hotel lobby, mall escalator, restaurants etc.etc. I can’t control myself to laugh about it (of course secretly). Afterwards you will see all of those photos on facebook and other social media. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with it. My cousin is not exempted on this kind of self portrait phenomenon. When asking her why is she doing that, she said she like to posed the way angelina jolie did. Hahaha.. Frustrated model I said. Who knows, she might be dicovered.
Mar 07, 2013 @ 20:18:17
Oh yes, it is very popular. I’m sure that is part of it, if all your friends are doing it, then you should too?
I wonder how many people take the time to look through all of their photos? Maybe a few interested admirers, but not too many others I would guess.
Something to do to pass the boredom.
Mar 07, 2013 @ 20:42:06
It could be it. But I have my own way of escaping boredom and certainly not this one.;-)
Mar 07, 2013 @ 21:02:15
I still find myself bored at times even though I have many ways to keep busy, too. I think my biggest adjustment so far has been being retired, not moving! BUT I’m not complaining about it.