Samal-Davao Bridge Update{3}
It seems that the bridge has been given the go ahead. They expect to start construction following the completion of the feasibility study, which is expected take another three months. It’s not stated yet how long until completion of the bridge. Maybe that will come with the completion of the study.
SunStar article.
As I’ve stated, I have mixed feelings about the bridge. On one hand my property value will certainly increase, on the other hand it the island could have much more development and traffic. It is promising that the local government has committed to preserving a large portion of the island though.
PRA to Speed Up Davao Retirement MOA | Journey to Samal
Apr 17, 2010 @ 20:20:29
[...] facilities (a theme I’ve discussed before) and the need for completion of the infamous Samal-Davao bridge, which also relates to the access to medical facilities. /*/*]]>*/ But he ( Jaime B. Llames, [...]
Mar 19, 2013 @ 08:33:21
May 2008??? What happened to the bridge???? hehehe 2013 Update. like I mentioned to the people of Samal before, we need to have more reason to have a bridge rather than convenience. It doesn’t make business since to have a bridge just to get back and forth. Not only that but the infrastructure is not up to par. Constant power outages, lack of caring in the water district, roads not ready to handle that type of traffic etc… Heck they are still acting like its the wild. wild west. The group running Daneco over here were fired and a month later they came in on took over with guns. Kicked the legal management out. Then they were billing the people at the same time they other company was..
))) I’ve lived here 2.5 years now and have watched how things get or should I say don’t get done. They started a new market a few years ago and asked me if I was will to put up a store and I said it will depend on when it gets completed. They stopped because they ran out of money. They are just about done adding another office building for what reason is unclear that it was needed because now they are trying to sell 2 perfectly good building that are not that old to pay for the new one… Its a crazy place…lol
So here we are 2013. Approx 6 months ago I read an article in the Davao paper and I will quote what the mayor stated. “Samal infrastructure is not ready”. According to the paper, the Davao airport is out of space so the expansion of the airport once its reached capacity is out of the question. The only other option is to have an airport on Samal Island. According to the mayor there has been area set aside for this. Time frame I’m guessing 10-20 years..
Mar 19, 2013 @ 11:32:23
Wow you found an old article, Travis.
You hit the nail on the head. The infrastructure of the island is not ready for more traffic. As you noted, they are barely functioning with the current situation.
I had an article where I mentioned the airport. I thought it was pretty far fetched at the time, but after visiting Cebu a couple of times I can see what they are thinking. The problem is Mactan is nothing like Samal, at least not the current Samal. I don’t know the history of Mactan, but there are two bridges going across now, and it is just an extension of Cebu, at least from my tourist eyes.